I feel so 欣慰 after reading some stuff :D

yay well done nyct'10! ;D i'm so proud of team 2! :DD yay~ jiayou jiayou! :D
now i've got a pretty box of pretty things :DD thank you squids for the presents and cards. thank you ma'am for the card and thank you cadets for the present and card! I didn't expect t1 43 to give me a card O: haha anyway, thank you! :D

sponge~! i'm super happy :D
Close those eyes and let the tears roll.
No matter how I've changed, you just can't see it, right?
Why are you like that?
CAOJI! D: I THOUGHT CAIQING WAS ON 28 FEB T.T I shall try getting cikgu to let me off drums training on wednesday so can lian zhanjiao with jacinta or we're gonna die D: SQUISH~ hopefully with the kind of good normal time practice we have we can succeed without losing balance and with the shi D: ahhhhhh!
my parents decided to order shi this year since its probably my last year wu-ing shi! D: we didnt even have much dalt training this year! we're going to die D: aish. jiayou to my dear shitous :X
Dont try understanding what I've got to say... i don't even bother to piece my thoughts out.
part? half? tears? attention? forgot? slipped? pain? silence? why? confused? songs? lyrics? emotions? reminded? why? who? you? time? hate?aish. thoughts.
Everyone is bai-nianing except my family don't really have such a habit to visit so many people O: haha dad good going. give me such a thick angbao (like...50 notes thick?) this year -.- except thick angbao not equal to more money yah~ haha dont think u can cheat me! >D anyway...
The last thing I want this year is to have what happened last year to happen to me again. Seriously, I think if it happens again, I doubt I can take it anymore. I'm pissed, irritated and disgusted by myself. I've never really recovered from it, did I? To think that I had...
I don't want to sink any deeper because there isn't anyone to pull me out this time...and I won't surface again. Don't want to think what will happen after that. _____. Ha. Maybe it isn't so far away anymore. Yet again...maybe it's the only way out.
I'm so damn pissed at my buddy today!
WHY IS SHE SO DEMANDING? All she wants is vanessa's buddy, zuojun. Everything also must do together? I can plan to eat with
myfriends, she ends up wanting to eat with vanessa,
her buddy and
her friends! its so irritating! wth? tmr. i've planned so hard for us to have an outing with ke er and her buddy. Why can't she just accept it? Instead of making me looking like some bad guy? Instead of sulking about it? It's not like I never tried arranging with Vanessa to go out together. Cannot mean cannot what. I'm like so damn busy on saturdays? I put everything aside to go out with you and plan all this crap!? All you do is come from shandong and tell me
I was so freaking pissed off that I just walked off during lunch and after LA lessons. wth? did you even notice how pissed I was? Maybe you didn't notice it because I tried so hard to control my emotions. I'm so irritated! You can just choose to wait for vanessa and her buddy and just disappear from behind me? SERIOUSLY. tell me the aims and objectives of GCP? To come here and talk and play with your friend that you've known for 9 years? I thought it was a chance for you to experience singapore's culture? No? So if YOU want SOOOO MUCH to go with zuojun and vanessa, tmr I can just send you to join them? then in school I pull up a table and chair beside zuojun. lunch i go eat with my squadmates you eat with vanessa and her buddy. Everything just do with them? Stop asking me where is zuojun and vanessa. I seriously don't want to care already. SHESH. i'm damn irritated.
Now i'm just plastering a smile on my face and speaking crap chinese to you. I'm so damn tired of you. Why are you such a __________? You know what, I have my own friends I want to go to, my own friends I want you to meet too, but all you want to do is hang out with your friends, stay in your comfort zone, i really hate this. I'm a person too. Why does everything have to go your way? You can't just go everywhere demanding everything to be done your way. Can you?
Now I just feel like ignoring you for the rest of the week. Do you even know that? I can plan everything and you don't even appreciate it...
I AM SO PISSED.Do you think you know me? Then think again. You don't even know me. You dont' know anyone by the name nicole. The one one you know is min yi. and min yi in my world doesn't exist.
My buddy from shandong, weihai is here! (: yay it's nice to see her and the rest of them again (: feels really nice~ haha! aish but sometimes it kind of awkward...like speaking chinese to her and then having so much problems translating some stuff so that they can understand!
Saturday I'll have to bring her out! (: teehee fun~ too bad i have to leave for tuition for 2h halfway ): KE ER! MUST TAKE GOOD CARE OF MY BUDDY OKAY? ;D jiao gei ni le! (:
Omg this post is so random :X
Me and khengwee did a 2-man flag pitch today. so cool~ haha.