I was waiting...and then it hit me.
Nothing was going to happen. What I've wished for
will not come true
.And it has been so since I've decided not to reply that night.
Am I.
Or is it more like...who made me who I am today?
Why does it appear that the people who seems to be changing me, the ones that 'touch and go' in my life. The ones that I can vividly remember. The ones that _______ me and then just...
보고 싶다.
Where are you when I need you?
Everything's changing. And ___________.
Yes. Let everything return to how it's been before all this. It's time to take you out of this dream that I allowed you into.
不属于你的始终不会属于你. I've given you so much and that's the max. I'm going to take them all back. You will never belong here. You never did. Because __________ and I'm not going to let you take it from me.
I never thought that I would say this...not to you but somehow this few weeks you're really _____. tsk. Friends come and go, no? I guess it's about time you move on and give me what I've loan you all this while.

Happy mother's day mummy! (: I love you! Hope you like the bouquet I got you (:
About this entire thing. Aiya. I thought about it for so many weeks already and i can't seem to find the best solution out of this.
I'm really pissed. Really irritated. And really feel like killing this person. But oh well. Since I'm nicole...I shall try and act like nothing's going on and hopefully not offend anyone or else I might get picked on. and when I'm picked on i get even more pissed and then i'll offend more people. and it's just a stupid vicious cycle.
How would you feel if your _______ happens to be the one who ____ your friends? omg -.- what the shit ): I FEEL LIKE SHOUTING 'I WAS HERE FIRST' but then yet again -.- will anyone care? omg. I'm so irritated! POOFIE! -.-
HOPEFULLY. no one will understand wth I'm talking about. Because you see. If you do. you probably think that I'm very _____. yeah. if you understand you probably know how to fill in that blank. It's just that i cant stand it when people _______ you more than ______ and when i know so much more than that. Unknowingly I started to have this ___________ thingy with you and wanting to be _______ than you because I know you aren't actually that _______. IT'S LIKE OMG -.- WHY AM I _________ THAN YOU!? I work harder. I try harder. AND I'M _________!!
WHY DO YOU GET EVERYTHING -.- (Suddenly. someone else pop into my mind...and I'm getting more fired up.) GREAT. -.- life sucks. I know a bunch of irritating people who gets alot of _________ stuff when they don't deserve it!
You know what. If your ________ is better than mine. I'm going to.
KILL. myself. -.-
Perhaps I've gotten use to it...until it seems like it doesn't really matter anymore. Does it?